DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (2024)

Have you seen the adorable assortment of wooden Easter bunny crafts on Pinterest. With some scrap wood and supplies I had on hand I was able to make these wooden Easter bunnies using wire for moveable ears. Instead of making one wooden Easter bunny I created two, a female bunny and a taller male bunny.

To display my little crafted rabbit friends I placed them on a large platter surrounded by homemade chocolate peanut butter eggs. A bunny has to keep their eyes on the chocolate of a certain someone will eat them all. As the two DIY wooden Easter bunnies are unbreakable, I don’t have to worry about little hand knocking them over while helping themselves to the homemade Easter eggs.

For my Easter bunnies, I used some more of the leftover 3/4″ plywood I made this other decorative Easter bunny from, but you can make them using 1 by 6″ lumber as well. The rabbit pattern is included, so let’s get going on the tutorial. The eggs in the garden are homemade, and I will share the recipe for the chocolate peanut butter eggs next week.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (1)

DIY Easter Bunny Craft with Wire Ears Tutorial

Wooden Easter Bunny Supplies

Scrap wood, 3/4″ plywood or 1 by 6″ lumber

Easter Bunny Templates

Jigsaw or scroll saw


Pencil and carbon paper


White, blue, and soft pink acrylic paint and small brush

Fine tip sharpie pen

18 gauge paper covered stem wire, wire cutter, scotch tape

Pink sparkly card stock (optional), glue

Preparing the Wood for Wooden Easter Bunny

Print out the Bunny template, layer with carbon paper and transfer onto your lumber.

Cut out with a scroll saw or a jigsaw. I am excited as this is the first piece I cut out on my own. Its a really easy shape for newbies.

You want your drill bit to be a little bit larger than the stem wire. Once you have selected the bit drill

drill four holes in the top of your wood about where you want to place the ears.

Sand all the edges of the wood cut out smooth.

Paint the front and back of your cutout white, paint the outer edges in soft blue.

Use two coats of paint letting them dry between coats. While waiting for the paint to dry you can get started on the wire ears.

Making the Easter Bunny Wire Ears

Using the template for the face and ears, take a length of wire and shape it according to the pattern.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (2)

Cut your wire about 1/4 inch longer than the pattern shows. Repeat this for the other ear. Create a second set of ears an inch shorter than the first set.

Paint the inside portion of the ears with two coats of soft pink paint. Let dry, it takes less than half an hour.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (3)

Place the small arch of the ears between the large arch of the ear. Using small pieces of the transparent tape wrap the ends tightly together, use the wire cutters to cut off the ends of the tape. Repeat for the other ear.

Attach the bunnies ears after painting the face on.

Place the end of the ear into the holes on the top of the cut out bunnies head. If you have difficulty fitting the wire into the hole, drill the hole a little bit larger or deeper. I did not glue my ears so they can be removed for storing. Also please note that the ears don’t need to be exact as long as they are proportionate to one another. The ears are bendable and fun to adjust for different emotions.

Transferring the Facial Features

Once your paint is dry cut out the shape of the head on both the pattern and the carbon a paper. This makes it easier to see where the facial features are. If you happen to make a mistake (I did) erase the carbon off and redo it. Place the carbon paper on top of the wood, cover with the template and trace out all the features (except the nose).

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (4)

Transfer the nose using carbon paper on to the wrong side of your pink sparkly card stock. I cut out a piece of sparkly card stock, but you can paint it directly onto the rabbit, use a scrap of wood or a button if you don’t have the card stock paper.

Paint the eyes using a fine point sharpie pen. I enjoyed doing that part very much, it was like putting on eyeliner that worked really well the first time.

Using a Tombow pen in brown outline the lines under the nose, draw the mouth with dark pink.

To add the checks, make sure you have a small brush damp with water. Using a soft pink Tombow watercolour brush pens mark a circle for one cheek. Quickly soften the marking using the wet brush, making the blush larger and circular. Repeat for the second cheek.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (5)

Apply the nose to the face with wood glue.

Decide whether you want whiskers or not. If you choose to have whiskers, draw them on with a soft brown Tombow pen. For my bunnies I paintedwhiskers onto one rabbit to make it more masculine.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (6)

For the other bunny, I added a quick little flower headpiece and skipped the whiskers.

Both rabbits are sized to fit nicely on a tabletop, I used mine Easter egg guards, but they fit well table top decorative arrangements as well.

The Wood Bunny Flower Headpiece

This little headpiece is made using bits of one flower, using little bits of faux twigs, two tiny leave, and one flower. Start by selecting the pieces off of a flower. Wrap the branches into a little bow. Securing it with a tiny bit of florist wire. Pinch to hold the center.

Glue on two small leaves. and wrap with the wire. Trim the wire off.

Glue the flower on top of the leaves and then the arrangement onto the bunny.

Because the bottom of the bunnies are flat they were easy to place onto a platter.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (8)

Fill your platter with Easter grass and any kind of Easter trees you want to serve. Mine are homemade chocolate peanut butter eggs. I will share next week.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (10)

Wood bunnies are very fun to make, and almost free when you use scrap wood. I hope you like the idea of wood bunny crafts as much as I do. Here is another wood bunny craft that reminds me of a Mom and baby enjoying the early days of Spring.

Other Easter Bunny DIYs

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (11)

Dollar Store Easter Bunny Craft

Starting as a paper decoration, this Dollar Store Bunny gets a neutral makeover.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (12)

Wood Easter Bunny Cutout

This wood Easter bunny cutout is a fun Spring wood project you can make with scrap wood and have fun decorating it in colours to match you Easter home decor style.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (13)

DIY Shelf Sitter Bunny Signs

Here is another fun wood project for Easter using small bits of scrap wood. These shelf sitter Easter bunny signs are easy to make and much more fun than plain wood Easter signs.

DIY Wood Bunny Easter Craft Wire Ears (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.