This Valentine’s Day, My Message To My Wife Isn’t ‘I Love You’ | theAsianparent (2024)

Two months shy of twenty years. That’s how long I’ve known you. It feels like yesterday. To my surprise, it’s been almost twenty years since I watched you climb onto that bus that would take us to that writer’s workshop where we fell in love (so hard and fast that I’m still slightly concussed). So this V-Day is a landmark of sorts, like this whole year. It’s special. But on this giant kilometre marker of a year, the one thing I want to say to you isn’t “I love you.”

You know that already. It’s not that it doesn’t need to be said, because it does. It begs to be said. It is as necessary as breathing. And we say it, every day, when we wake up or pass each other in the hall. We say it from across the dinner table as the children compete for your attention, in goodbye kisses, in our secret sequence of hand squeezes, in a look.

That’s one of the great things about you. You say “I love you” all the time. And thanks to you, I’ve learned to say it all the time too (as do our children, who often say it out of the blue, for no reason). So the words will be said, and they will be as important as the first time, as always.

An answer will come to “I love you,” but it will be almost inconsequential. Because the reality is here, tangible and solid. It would be enough for you to answer, like Han Solo before he gets frozen in carbonite, “I know.”

What I want to say is something that I don’t say nearly enough, and those words are:

Thank you

This Valentine’s Day, My Message To My Wife Isn’t ‘I Love You’ | theAsianparent (1)

Valentines Day messages to wife from a loving husband.

In a CNN documentary, Amanpour’s Love & Sex, I learned that the Japanese don’t say “I love you.” They find it “corny,” and instead they say “Arigato.” It means more, they believe. While I find this peculiar and depressing, I have to admit that they have a point.

“I love you” looks forward, promising the sun and the moon. “Thank you” acknowledges the love you have received. And over the past twenty years, I have been fortunate to have received so much.

Thank you for sticking around during the hard times, when magazine publishing died and we found ourselves out of work, through those painful years I spent in advertising, and the nightmare years when the angry toddler drove us to the very edge. It wasn’t easy, I know.

Thank you for being an incredible mum to our boys. I see what you do for them – the late night laundry, early morning lunchbox prep, the extra TLC when they’re sick. You do so much for them. They don’t know how lucky they are to have you. Take a break sometimes. They are beautiful and healthy and happy. And you are doing an amazing job.

Thank you for putting up with me, my depressive moody streak, and my temper. I’m not easy to live with. But you’re still around, in spite of me, because of me.

Thank you for being my partner in ill-advised ventures. The world doesn’t get it, but we said we were going to be writers, and goddamn it, we did it. We’re still doing it. Thank you for keeping all of your promises.

Thank you for being you, kind and forgiving, and easy to make laugh.

Thank you for being brilliant and a joy to talk to.

Thank you for growing more beautiful by the day.

Thank you for the adventures to distant lands and those that are near in our books and in our minds. And thank you for the wild days, for colour, and for laughter.

Thank you for Netflix-and-chill evenings spent watching Monty Don and his gardens. Thank you for stolen morning minutes spent sitting with me over coffee. Those moments mean the world to me.

Thank you for the best 20 years of my life. They’ve scarcely been enough.

What are your Valentine’s day messages for wife this year? And ladies, what do you really want for Valentine’s Day?

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This Valentine’s Day, My Message To My Wife Isn’t ‘I Love You’ | theAsianparent (2024)


How do you respond to a valentine message? ›

"Thank you so much! Happy Valentine's Day to you too." "Same to you! Wishing you all the love and happiness on this special day."

How do you enjoy valentine's Day when your marriage is struggling? ›

If you “know” that you won't be receiving any tokens of love for Valentine's Day, then love yourself. Buy flowers, light a candle, go see a fun movie with friends. It may not remove all of the sting, but it sure beats tears and focusing on painful feelings of rejection.

What should you not say on valentine's Day? ›

Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world on February 14.
  • "I can't wait to have your babies."
  • 2. " Roses are red violets are blue...."
  • "I have to cancel."
  • 4. " ...
  • "I think we should see other people."
  • "I love you... even though you have gotten older/ fatter/ frumpier."
  • "I don't care about Valentine's Day."
Feb 14, 2020

How do you express your feelings on Valentine's Day? ›

5 Ways to Tell Your Crush You Like Them on Valentine's Day
  1. Send a Card. Sending a card is one of the most classic but effective methods to express your feelings for your sweetheart. ...
  2. Give a Gift. ...
  3. Plan a Date. ...
  4. Write a Letter. ...
  5. Tell Them in Person.
Feb 7, 2024

Why do so many couples break up after Valentine's Day? ›

Dissatisfaction: Valentine's Day can be a time for reflection and for some people it might be the final straw where they realise they can't make the declaration of love that's expected on this day and that their feelings for their partner aren't what they should be.

How do you deal with disappointment on Valentine's Day? ›

Focus on love as a commitment, not as a feeling

Some of the disappointment surrounding Valentine's Day is a pressure to feel a certain feeling. It's like we're trying to replicate the feelings of “new love,” and if we don't feel it, we're disappointed or think something's wrong.

How do you get over Valentine's disappointment? ›

Instead, take a deep breath. Ask yourself if the night was truly awful or just different than expected. Reframe negative thoughts. Maybe the "meh" gift shows they're saving for something bigger, or perhaps the canceled reservation just meant more quality time at home.

What is a very sweet message for my wife? ›

Thanks to you, I smile a little more, laugh a little harder, and cry a little less. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I don't know where I would be without your love. To the most wonderful woman I know, thank you for constantly bringing out the best in me.

How do I sweet message my wife? ›

Romantic Love Text Messages for Her
  1. You make me forget how to breathe.
  2. Nobody is perfect, but you're so close it's scary 👌👸
  3. All I need is you right here.
  4. You give me endless butterflies.
  5. Just the thought of you right now makes my heart soar.
  6. I love you more than I did yesterday but not more than I will tomorrow ❤
Oct 8, 2023

How can I express how much I love my wife? ›

Love from the deepest ocean of my heart will fall short when I want to say how much I adore you, my beautiful wife. Just be with me forever and ever. The emptiness in my life vanished the moment you entered my life. I love you, my lovely wife!

Is Valentine's Day not just about love? ›

It's a day to celebrate the love we have for our friends, family members, and even ourselves. This can mean sending a thoughtful card or gift to someone you care about, spending time with those you love, or simply showing kindness and compassion to those around you.

Should you break up on Valentine's Day? ›

When did they say was the best time to break up with someone when it comes to Valentine's Day? 45% respondents to the same survey said it was better to do it just before the day itself, with 18% saying just afterwards and 5% saying it's perfectly appropriate to do it on Valentine's Day.

Is it rude to break up with someone on Valentine's Day? ›

Of all the days to dump someone, Valentine's Day is admittedly among the worst. But you know what's even worse than breaking up on Valentine's Day? Spending Valentine's Day with someone who sucks. So if you're wondering whether it's okay to break up with your partner on a day dedicated to love, the short answer is yes.

How do you respond to good day text? ›

Here are some examples: "Thanks, you too!" This is a more casual response. "I hope you have a good day!" This is a friendly and well-wishing response.

How do you respond when someone says Happy Rose Day? ›

Whether you're celebrating with your friends, family, or that special someone, these replies will make your day even brighter.
  1. So, let's dive in and get ready to spread some love and happiness together!
  2. “Thanks! ...
  3. “Happy Rose Day! ...
  4. “Cool! ...
  5. “You're awesome! ...
  6. “Happy Rose Day to you too! ...
  7. “Thank you!
Feb 6, 2024

What does it mean if someone wishes you happy Valentines Day? ›

Valentine's Day embodies the spirit of love and affection. This day teaches us to appreciate the love in every form of our relationships and helps us to realize the importance of the most beautiful connection in our lives.

Should I greet someone happy Valentines? ›

It is propped to wish anyone a happy valentines however, “friend” can be interpreted very loosely. Personally you should wish everyone male or female a happy valentines because the day is about showing appreciation for love overall.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.